Biology laboratory
7 grade
Laboratory work #1: Exploring nature factors
Laboratory work #10: «Vegetative propagation of plants. How to regrow vegetables from scraps»
Laboratory work #11: «Tree rings»
Laboratory work #12: «Let’s grow bacterial cultures»
Laboratory work #13: «How to make yogurt and cheese?»
Laboratory work #14: «Antiseptics vs. Bacteria»
Laboratory work #8: “Features of excretion in plants”
Laboratory work #9: «Human reflexes»
Laboratory work №2: Water surface tension
Laboratory work №3: Study of the presence of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in food
Laboratory work №4-5: «Internal structure of the stem. Study of plant root zones»
Laboratory work №6: «Study of factors affecting the process of photosynthesis»
Laboratory work №7: Study of respiration in plants
8 grade
Laboratory work #2: Determination of Vitamin C
Laboratory work #3: Blood cells
Laboratory work #6: Influence of physical exercises on heart
Laboratory work #7: Lung Vital Capacity
Laboratory work #2: Characteristics of Plants
Laboratory work #3: Comparison of monocots and dicots
Laboratory work #12: Study of skin sensitivity
Laboratory work #8: Muscles
Laobratory work #10: Ear structure
Laboratory work №9: The role of vision in the pain perception
Laboratory work №1: Tissues
Laboratory work #10: «Auditory acuity»
Laboratory work #11: «Blind spot detection»
9 grade