


A calendar is not just a tool for checking the date; it is also a great way to study the structure of time. This project will help children understand how days, weeks, and months are organized and visually demonstrate how they are interconnected throughout the year. Curriculum Sections (Standard Educational Program) Learning Objectives 1.3 Measurement and Units Determine the time on a 12-hour clock; distinguish units of time: minute, hour, day, week, month, year. Distinguish time units, choose appropriate measures and tools, and carry out measurements

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Addition table

Project Information In this project students will learn numerical and alphabetic expressions. They will represent and apply the connection between addition and subtraction in the form of a letter equality: a+b=c, c-a=b, c-b=a. Based on this, they will make an addition table, to help them understand the topic. They will also solve equations in a matching way and on the basis of the connection between addition and subtraction and numerical and alphabetic expressions.

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