


A calendar is not just a tool for checking the date; it is also a great way to study the structure of time. This project will help children understand how days, weeks, and months are organized and visually demonstrate how they are interconnected throughout the year. Curriculum Sections (Standard Educational Program) Learning Objectives 1.3 Measurement and Units Determine the time on a 12-hour clock; distinguish units of time: minute, hour, day, week, month, year. Distinguish time units, choose appropriate measures and tools, and carry out measurements

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Fun math counter

Create your own toy for addition and subtraction of numbers up to 10 and discover how to study mathematics with simple materials! Curriculum Sections (Standard Educational Program) Learning Objectives 5.2Mathematical language Use a number line to illustrate addition and subtraction of numbers, comparison of numbers (greater/less), neighboring numbers, numerical intervals, and number sequences.

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Infinite Cube

In this project, students will get acquainted with the development of geometric shapes. In the lessons, they will make an infinite cube with their own hands, while learning to distinguish between the elements of the figures of a parallelepiped and a cube. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 3.2 Image and construction of geometric shapes to make a development of a spatial geometric figure (cube, rectangular parallelepiped) and assemble its model

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