Hydroponic gardening
About Course In this project, the students will learn how to grow plants in an artificial medium without soil, i.e. hydroponics. They will make their own hydroponic system and grow a plant.
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About Course In this project, the students will learn how to grow plants in an artificial medium without soil, i.e. hydroponics. They will make their own hydroponic system and grow a plant.
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Our planet is Earth and we live on it. It is our home. In this project, pupils will learn about the Earth and its structure. Based on this, they will make a real globe out of paper. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 4.1/4.2 Earth/Space explain and graph the spheres of the earth
3d model of the Earth. The globe Read More »
In this project, pupils will study the properties of water. They will investigate one of mankind’s global problems: water pollution. To solve this problem, the students will make a simple filter unit using sand-gravel and activated carbon. In this way, they will purify contaminated water in their own plant. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives Water propose various methods of water purification; offer your own water filter model
Water purification Read More »
In this project, students will study the relationship between the volume of a sound and the distance between the sound source and the receiver. From this, they will make a real stethoscope to listen to the heartbeat. They will also make walkie-talkies out of cups. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 5.3-Sound explain the dependencesound volume from the distance betweenaudio source and receiversound
Stethoscope and radio set Read More »
In this project students will study sources of electrical energy. They will get acquainted with existing hydroelectric power stations (HPPs) in the Republic of Kazakhstan. And they will build their own mock-up of a hydropower plant from hand tools and investigate the principle of its operation. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 5.5-Electricity identify sourceselectrical energy; to collect a diagram of the structure of the simplest electrical circuit3.5.5.3 represent simple electrical circuits in the form of diagrams indicating their elements
Mini hydroelectric power station Read More »
In this project, the students will study and explain the structure of the food chain. They will also build several models of the food chain in a particular habitat based on their knowledge. Using the toy system “Matryoshka”, they will construct a food chain. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 2.2 Animals classify the animals of the area describe the life cycle distinguish between herbivores and carnivores4.2.2.4 give examples of symbiotic relationships4.2.2.5 explain the structure of the food chain4.2.2.6 model food chains in a particular habitat
In this project, pupils will investigate the spatial properties and thermal conductivity of air. In this way, based on their knowledge and research on the thermal conductivity of air, they will make a merry-go-round that functions by means of a candle. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 3.2 Air characterize some properties of air (aggregate state, color, smell); explain the importance of air for our planet2.3.2.3 study of spatial properties and thermal conductivity of air
In this project, students create shadow theatre with their own hands, and devise a production and perform a skit Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 5.2 Light “ investigate and explainthe dependence of the shadow on the size of the obstacle anddistance from the source to the barrier; Investigate and explain properties of light such as reflection and absorption”
In this project, students explore one of the important environmental issues, such as plastic pollution of our planet, production, as well as the measures applied for recycling. Based on this problem, they will offer their creative solutions for the recycling and recycling of plastic materials as a solution.
Art objects from plastic waste Read More »
On this project, students play the role of future engineers. Students will get acquainted with the fields of application of solar energy and make a model of a recreation place where there is a fan with an electric motor powered by a solar battery.