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Tactile Periodic table of chemical elements

Information about project It is known that people with disabilities face various social problems, especially in the field of education. But every person on our planet can do more and turn limited possibilities into limitless ones with the help of innovative and information technologies. In this project, students explore a social issue regarding teaching aids for visually impaired people. They will study and apply the Braille font for a tactile description of the periodic system of chemical elements of D.I. Mendeleev for people with visual impairment. In addition, 3D modeling (using the SketchUp program) and 3D printing will be used to make tactile educational material.

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Green chemistry. Alternative hydrogen fuel

Information about project Green chemistry is a scientific direction in chemistry, which can include any improvement of chemical processes that positively affects the environment.In this project, students will conduct research in the field of green economy and alternative energy sources.In addition, students independently synthesize hydrogen, which can later be used as a fuel gas.

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