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Shadow theatre

In this project, students create shadow theatre with their own hands, and devise a production and perform a skit Subsections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 5.2 Light “ investigate and explainthe dependence of the shadow on the size of the obstacle anddistance from the source to the barrier; Investigate and explain properties of light such as reflection and absorption”

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Thermal bag & Lunch-box

In this project the students will be introduced to terms like heat/thermal conductivity/insulation materials. Investigate the thermal conductivity of different materials. From this they will make their own thermal bag & Lunch-box Subsections of the Model Curriculum Цели обучения 5.4 Heat investigate the thermal conductivity various materials

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Clay piggy bank

In this project, pupils will study minerals and their applications. They will also experiment and determine some of the properties of the minerals themselves. Using clay, they will make a real piggy bank in the form of a yurt with national elements. Subsections of the Model Curriculum Цели обучения 3.4 Natural resources determine the scope of certain minerals (chalk, salt, lime, clay, oil, granite, coal) show on the map the deposits of the main minerals of Kazakhstan4.3.4.3 propose ways of conservation and careful use of minerals

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3D hologram

In this project, students will be able to create a 3D hologram from simple materials and understand where it can be used. In addition, they will learn how to create a 3D hologram of the desired image using the Paint program. Sub-sections of the Model Curriculum Learning objectives 3.1 Information exchange via computer networks Use Internet services to solve the problem

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