
10 class

Creating a game that increases short-term memory

Information about project In this project, we will create a game that will help increase short-term memory. Short-term memory is directly related to what is happening in our lives. It also works from making quick decisions to quickly planting important information in the brain. Each of our reactions depends on this short-term memory. How to strengthen this part of the brain? There are several ways to do one of them, and it’s interesting to remember random numbers or tell the eye by looking at scattered images where the image is.We have to repeat the LEDs that burn out in this project randomly, in the same order.

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Building a model of a seismograph and an inertial shock absorber for studying the nature of an earthquake

Project Information By creating this project, students will explore the nature of earthquakes and study types of tectonic plates. They will create a seismograph model and visualize the data using an Arduino. They will also learn how to create a solution to reduce earthquakes.

Building a model of a seismograph and an inertial shock absorber for studying the nature of an earthquake Read More »

Autonomous House

Project Information In this project, students create an autonomous house. The main advantage of an autonomous house is its independence from supply networks (electricity, water, gas, sewage). This autonomy is achieved by generating energy resources (heat and electricity) independently and using them wisely and saving them.

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Smart irrigation system

Project Information In this project, students learn to design a system that optimizes the use of water for growing plants. Students create a soil moisture control system to control an irrigation pump. This “smart” irrigation system sets itself the task of finding a solution to one of the world’s most important problems – how to use water most efficiently through the design and creation of a working system that irrigates crops and saves water as much as possible. Students are also introduced to the use of solar panels in the household.

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