
9 class

Laboratory work №7: Le Chatelier Principle

In this lab you will learn how Le Chatelier’s principle can be applied to dissociation reactions Long-term plan section Subsections of the standard curriculum Learning objectives Reversible reactions Reversibility and irreversibility of chemical reactions. Chemical equilibrium.     Laboratory experiment No. 7 “Chemical equilibrium shift” know reversible and irreversible reactions; describe the equilibrium as a dynamic process and predict the displacement of the chemical equilibrium according to the Le Chatelier Brown principle; understand and distinguish the effect of changing conditions on the rate of chemical reaction and on the state of chemical equilibrium; explain chemical equilibrium from the point of view of kinetic theory of particles

Laboratory work №7: Le Chatelier Principle Read More »

Laboratory work №5: “Internal factors affecting the transpiration process”

Description of the work This practical work is aimed at studying the process of plant transpiration and determining the factors that affect its intensity. During the experiment, students analyze the influence of various internal parameters of plants on the rate of water evaporation through their leaf lobes.

Laboratory work №5: “Internal factors affecting the transpiration process” Read More »

Laboratory work №3: Flame staining with cations.

In this laboratory work, you will learn about how cations affect flame staining Long-term plan section Subsections of the standard curriculum Learning objectives Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds Qualitative reactions to cations. Laboratory experiment No. 3 “Determination of Li+, Na+, K+, Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+, Cu2+ cations by flame staining” Describe and conduct flame staining experiments to determine cations  

Laboratory work №3: Flame staining with cations. Read More »

SMART weather station

The global factor that affects every person is weather conditions. Currently, weather conditions can be viewed on the Internet or watched (listened to) on TV. But you can get the most accurate information through your own SMART weather station. On this project, you can independently make your own home “smart” weather station, which will show accurate indicators

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National flavor in architecture

The development of tourism in each country is facilitated by the presence of architectural masterpieces that emphasize the culture of this country. We hope this project will be at least the slightest reason to convey such a relevant and important issue to students. In this project, students will use elements of national color, and invent and draw projects that distinguish the architecture of our country.

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Laboratory work № 1 “Determination of the acceleration of a body with equidistant motion”

In this laboratory activity, the students are introduced to uniform acceleration. They will make a chute out of improvised materials and be able to calculate the value of acceleration in an equi-accelerated motion. Long-term plan section Subsections of the standard curriculum (SES) Learning objectives Basicskinematics Laboratory work № 1“Definition acceleration of the body with equidistant motion” experimentally determine the acceleration of a body with equidistant motion; analyze the factors affecting the result of the experiment and propose methods to improve the experiment; build and explain graphs of the dependence of displacement and velocity on time with equidistant motion

Laboratory work № 1 “Determination of the acceleration of a body with equidistant motion” Read More »

Laboratory work №4: The qualitative reactions for determination of cations and anions

Description: In this laboratory work you will learn how to determine the presence of cations and anions in solutions Long-term plan section Subsections of the standard curriculum Learning objectives Qualitative analysis of inorganic compounds Qualitative reactions to anions. Laboratory experiment No. 5 “Determination of Sl–, Br–, I–, PO43–, SO42–, CO32–, NO3–, SiO32- anions in aqueous solutions” conduct qualitative reactions for the determination of Fe2+, Fe3+, Cu2+ cations conduct qualitative reactions to chloride-, bromide-, iodide-, sulfate-, carbonate-, phosphate-, nitrate-, silicate ions and describe the results of observing the ion exchange reaction

Laboratory work №4: The qualitative reactions for determination of cations and anions Read More »